The last few weeks I've been applying for jobs, making new contacts, connecting with old contacts, writing cover letters, making phone calls and just general job search stuff, veritably non-stop. In addition, slowly (I mean, really slowly) going through stuff, making mental check lists of things I could sell, and ruminating over whether I should just sell all my stuff, pack up and leave...except the where will I go part hasn't exactly fallen into place. Since my state unemployment benefits ran out, I am having to much more seriously consider my future living arrangements.
I can probably leave the cats with my parents, except that poses the problem of my brother-in-law being highly allergic to cats. My other sister has two cats already, so that wouldn't work out so well either. I don't know that I'd stay with my parents; it would pretty much be the death of any dating relationship that I have, and I really like the one that I have right now. I could stay with a friend who lives in Virginia, but again, I can't bring the cats because of his precious leather furniture.
I have a potential rental prospect coming to see my place on Wednesday. This means I better get it in gear and do some cleaning, tidying, and general making it look nice and inviting. But if they want to rent it, that's when I'll have to really figure things out. It's scary trying to find a place to live when you have all these things you want to balance...a continued attempt at a social/dating life, super cheap or free, accepts your cats, etc.
It was even more discouraging today when the firm that called me out of the blue to discuss job opportunities a week or so ago, emailed to tell me that they have declined to interview me for a position for which I applied. I feel like this is a completely impossible task...this damn job searching. I don't want to take just anything.
Daily, it's been sending in a mere 5-6 applications. I've heard from others who send in 70 a day...unfortunately, there is just not that much hiring going on in my business, or in my specific niche of compliance.
Add in a sore throat for the day along with a deep, sultry smoker's voice as a result...I am just one hot ticket right now, right? It's so discouraging. Rejection has become my daily bread.
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