Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Today is Tuesday

Seeing as how I have a cat laying on top of my arms, which are connected to the keyboard, I guess I'll write a quick little post.  

This cleaning effort has taken on a Herculean resemblance.  I'll be going home to do my annual daughterly duty, over Mother's Day weekend and in true motherly fashion, my mum will be  helping me re-cover a small chair and a stool from my late grandmother.  In addition, I have a load of clothes and shoes for my sister to bring, plus other miscellaneous things that I am giving to my mum, as well as things for her garage sale.  So, I am boxing up all the clothes that don't fit me right now and hope that some day they do.  Then it's some continued furniture re-arranging.  

This sore throat is less sore and more just swollen.  And, I'm still really tired.  I do have almost all day tomorrow to get it all in ship-shape, but tonight I'm hoping to finish the pile of clothes on my bed, and put clean sheets on.  Tomorrow, I want to vacuum out my car, and start loading up some of the things I'll be taking home, so that they aren't just laying around here.  Since I have a viewing for a possible renter, I thought I should make a significant effort to make it look all nice.  I know the closets will look all cluttered, because I have boxes upon boxes of stuff, but it's the best I can do at the moment. 

And then...MG is coming!  As long as he doesn't have jury duty, that is.  I'm so excited about that; it hardly seems real, though.  I haven't seen him in almost a month, since before his European tour.  I feel like we are falling in a comfortable existence.   Like last night when he called me around midnight, after his shift, to talk for an hour and half.  It was unexpected, but most appreciated.  Just little things like that are nice; it lets me know he wants to talk to me.  I know, I know...you are thinking that I should expect him to want to talk to me!  Well, after ex-man-boy, who just flatly said he isn't a phone person, it is just refreshing to be with someone who likes to talk on the phone, and recognizes that it's necessary to keep up our relationship; that this woman cannot live by texting alone.

Now I am tired and want to take another nap, but I really shouldn't.  If I can get through the clothes on the bed, I will be happy with my progress for the day.  I think I'll go put on a mud mask to make this whole thing seem slightly more worthwhile.


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