Monday, April 19, 2010

Time Heals All

So, I haven't really been writing a whole lot lately, and you are, I know, mad with desire to read all my recent thoughts and happenings.  It's been a lot of this:  Wow, we really like your background and experience and you interviewed really well.  Unfortunately, we don't have a position right now that will fit your level of expertise; what we currently have is entry level, far below your experience.  We'll keep you in mind in case of future openings though.  Best of luck in your search.

Now, I know that the whole investment and financial industry has taken a hard hit, and things aren't going to bounce back as quickly this time around.  The fact that employment is a lagging economic factor doesn't really help either.  I know that I'll hear that goodness knows how many times before I actually get a job.  I have some good leads now, though and have broadened my network, if nothing else.
I spent 5 days staying with a friend in Denver.  I really, really like the city of Denver very much, and perhaps I'll find a position there.  Who knows.  Some local possibilities have increased, and that also makes me hopeful.  I feel like I have finally accepted my current situation.  As MG tells me, this is something happening to me, it does not define me and it is not who I am.  I like him.  He is wise.  And kind.  I'm thankful that he understands that.

I continue to attempt the purge of stuff that is just stuff and clutter.  It can be a difficult, long and laborious process.  Especially with clothes that don't fit right now, and I wonder if they ever will again.  It's depressing and de-motivating.  I wish I could have a garage sale, too.  Maybe my mother will have one this spring and I can bring all of my stuff to sell too.  I'm giving my older sister and niece a bunch of things including a plethora of shoes that I no longer wear.  With me as her shoe supplier, she rarely needs to buy her own. 

And yes, I did mention MG.  It's taken me such a long time to trust him after ex-man-boy especially, but  I'm finally ready to trust him.  He's been on my side when I needed someone to be, he's always in my corner and never judges me for all the crazy things I have been going through.  He's sweet, kind and oh-so-wise.  Not to mention quite a handsome bloke too.  It's so nice to date someone who is mature and unafraid of my myriad emotions.  I haven't seen him in a few weeks since he was in Europe, but we plan on seeing each other in a week or two.  And, I've been invited to go visit him, except it's so expensive for me and my first round of state unemployment benefits just ran out today.  Yes, you'd think I should freak out, but...that really wouldn't help now, would it?   Anyways, he is missed but we stay in touch on a daily basis and it is really working quite well for me (and him, I hope) for now.  

There is not much else from the jobless front to report, so since some guacamole is calling my name...  I bid adieu for now.

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