Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I once wrote an abcedarian poem with this title.  It is a poem in which each line starts with the next letter of the alphabet, starting with A, onwards, hence...ABCedarian.  I have no idea why that just came to mind, except that presently it is 5:23am and I have not gotten so much as a wink of sleep in the last few hours.  My allergies are bothering me, my condo is full of boxes.  My closets are almost empty and I have three silly bands on my wrist. 

It was my big 3-0 birthday yesterday.  It wasn't the celebratory event I had always dreamed and hoped for. I guess there was a reason that, after my 29th birthday, I couldn't for the life of me figure out what I wanted to do for the next one.  So, I guess I didn't really have any expectations.  My biggest birthday present, and best, is that I get to start my dream job in a week!  

I am so profoundly excited about this that, even though each step of the way has been fraught (I love that word) with obstacles and general pain-in-the-assery (and I just made that one up), each time I think about getting to go to work next week Monday, I am nigh to ecstatic.  

One obstacle, other than packing, remains:  my drivers license expires and I would have to take a driving test to get a new license in my old state.  Why is this an issue?  Because I have 5 more days in this state and 4 more days of valid license and on day 5, need to rent a car to drive to my new state.  I doubt I will be allowed, so I need to figure out if I can schedule a driving test and get my license renewed, or if I can somehow finagle my way to a rental car without wasting the time and money.  I imagine this will take some amount of magic to accomplish.  Normally driving tests are scheduled a month in advance.  I need to start thinking of Plan B and C.  I may actually have plans A through H on this one.  

I suppose getting out of bed now and taking some Benadryl and starting to pack until I fall asleep wouldn't be such a bad idea.  I'm glad I started packing some things before I went to NYC.  It wasn't much, but it was the stuff in the kitchen, like glassware, that was kind of a pain.  

Other than the whole car rental thing, probably what is keeping me awake is every single task I need to remember to do before leaving.  And just the general logistics of the entire move.  Fortunately I have 17 days to figure out how to get stuff from my temp housing to my apartment as I won't have a car.  And things like dropping my car off and getting to temp housing is just going to have to worry about itself, to be perfectly honest.  Which reminds me, I should actually call MARTA to see how to get from here to there and most importantly, to work.  Ah...flying by the seat of my pants, as always.   

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