Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry that I haven't been the best that I could be lately.
I'm sorry that two really bad weeks of feeling really, really depressed and scared of when you leave has been making me a miserable mess.
I'm sorry I have constantly been needing your reassurance that I'm normal and okay, because I haven't felt like it.
I'm sorry that feeling like an unproductive member of society with nothing to add to any friendship, conversation or anything else has caused me to lose a lot of my usual confidence.
I'm sorry my loss of confidence has let me lose confidence in us.
I'm sorry that the fact that you never take me out causes me to lose confidence in us.
I'm sorry that when I crash, I burn...and it's a a horrible mess that I want you to help me clean up.
I'm sorry that I expected you, and wanted you, to make me happy and whole again because you were the only thing that made me feel that way lately.
I'm sorry that I am not perfect and that I break down occasionally.
I'm sorry that my childhood fears of be unloved and unacceptable got in the way.
I'm sorry that if my love and affection and everything else I did for you weren't enough for you to overlook a week of terrible sadness and unhappiness. It wasn't you.
I'm sorry I just wasn't enough. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry you were leaving and we didn't have enough time to figure us out.
I'm sorry for every time I might have hurt your feelings and made you feel less than what you are.
I'm sorry for ever yelling at you; I'm sorry my passionate nature gets in the way.
I'm sorry that things weren't perfect and that it was my fault.
I'm sorry for anything, everything that made you want to walk away.
I'm sorry if I loved you too much or too little or just not the right way.
I'm sorry for worrying and thinking too much.
I'm sorry it isn't working for you any more.
I'm sorry I'm too intense for you; I warned you but maybe you didn't believe me.
I'm sorry my strong emotions scared you.
I'm truly, truly sorry for hurting you and not making you truly happy. It hurts me to know that I could hurt you or make you upset or sad or just not want to be with me.
I'm sorry I let go of all my inhibitions and let you see even the craziest side of me. I'm sorry it was too much for you.
I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say. It's just another failure in my book, failure to love someone enough that they can love me back. Proof of my imperfections and flaws, knowing they are always going to get in the way. Proof that I'm so broken that I'm unlovable. I try so hard, I do so much and feel like none of it's worth it at the end of the day. I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me for not being perfect for you and for trying to demand too much from you. I'm sorry.

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