Sunday, January 24, 2010

This post, not for the faint of heart

It's been a few days since I felt well enough, or had the energy to write.  Thursday night, fairly late, I started throwing up...about 2-3 times per hour and rather forcefully, I must say.  It even came out my nose; yes, that's gross, I know.  This continued until approximately 10am, when my body seemingly recognized I had no more anything to throw up, slowed the pace a little.  I was sooo thirsty, but every time I drank even a small handful of water, it came up within a half hour, if not sooner.  I was thirsty, tired, dizzy and barely able to string words together without slurring.

A very good friend of mine took me to the urgent care center.  They turned me away, saying I was too sick and I needed to go to the ER to get my electrolytes checked and get an IV for rehydration.  So, off to the ER I went, the second time in less than 6 months.

Here, they drew a lot of blood to test, gave me an IV, didn't allow me to drink anything except the dye stuff for a CT scan and after all that and an X-ray, I was deemed healthy enough to walk out with possible virus or food poisoning. I just paid over $1500 probably, to not have a definite diagnosis??  My white blood count was very high also, which indicates your body is trying to overcome an infection, I believe.  My count was 23,000, more than twice normal levels if I am to believe my Google search. 

I have never felt so deathly ill in my life.  My lower back was immensely sore, from the intense and constant wretching and my stomach felt like a punching bag.  I can't remember a time when I felt like this, except perhaps the year I was out with pneumonia for a week.  Laying in a hospital bed for 8 hours was not entirely where I wanted to be. 

Now that I am back home, I see the doctor was right: he said I'd have cramps after all that vomiting.  Well thank you, body.  I'm not sure how cramps qualify as a reaction to non-stop vomiting, but at least he gave me some meds for that and the continuing nausea.  I really don't feel like eating much more than crackers and drinking gingerale.  I'm sleeping 12-14 hours at a time, just waiting for my body to regain its strength.  Even this morning, upon waking up, I feel slightly vomitous.  My house smells like sick and I don't feel like I have the wherewithall to clean and change sheets.  I did, however, at least take a shower yesterday and ate some soup, which made my tummy a wee bit queasy. 

Understandably, no one wants to hang out with someone so sick!  So I am watching movies from my couch, snuggled up with the kittens and that has been my weekend.  At least now I have an excuse for doing nothing.

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