Today I returned a pair of gorgeous golden bronze heels to Nordstrom Rack, one of my favourite places to find size 4.5-5 shoes for my itty bitty feet. They were beautiful and I had intended to rock them on New Year's Eve, but alas, plans were not what I had hoped for. This evening, I'll be attending my first dinner club dinner, Thai themed. I'm making the appetizer. It's also my niece's 4th birthday! I wish I could celebrate with her. I really want to go to the gym today as well, now that I have my car back, but I am waiting for my sister to call me so that I can talk to my niece. In the meantime, I'm writing this instead of cleaning my very messy kitchen.
Tomorrow I attend the kick-off for the year-long leadership program into which I was accepted. I'm not sure what to wear, honestly, because I'm not sure what will still fit. I have a pair of navy linen pants but my navy shoes have a broken heel that hasn't been repaired (for the 3rd time) yet. I definitely need to dress in professional attire however. I'm a little nervous because everyone else in the leadership program has an awesome job! Of course, I probably wouldn't have been able to participate in this program if I was still employed by my previous employer.
Thursday is actually the only day this week that so far, I have nothing planned. And it's all MINE! I'm not going to plan anything, so that I can do things for myself. Like, go to the gym. I have another potential roomie, so I want to get things in order. I know I keep saying this, but going through ALL my clothes and things is such a big task. Honestly though, I need to make a rule that if I haven't worn or used it in a year, it needs to get tossed or go to Goodwill. Also, I would like to try to sell my computer desk now that I have a laptop. I don't really need a whole huge desk any more. I also need to bake cookies for my friend's birthday coming up and mail them to him. I have no bake cookies already made; I need to frost the rich roll cookies and perhaps make some chocolate chip and or oatmeal butterscotch as well. Starting next week Thursday, I'm going to be GRE studying with my neighbour and I'm really looking forward to that.
Friday I am going to a cooking class that was really cheap, with the girls. I'm really looking forward to the Italian menu, but need to figure out what I have to wear, that fits, that doesn't consist of jeans and t-shirt. Seriously, this extra 10 pounds is not going over so well with me.
I'm still trying to get back into a routine. Since I went to bed around 2am this morning, I didn't get up until about 10 and that was only because I really made myself. I need to clean, clean, clean!! And organize and throw things out that I don't use. Litter boxes, sweeping, floors, laundry, the works! I just need to make a list and get through it. In addition to all the cleaning, job searching needs to be a priority, as well ast networking and getting back in touch with friends and colleagues. One would think that, being home ALL THE TIME, I would have this stuff done, but sometimes, when I have absolutely nothing to do, nothing important, that is, it is much easier to forget about everything and just watch tele or cook or stare at Facebook and my email until someone updates their status or an email comes in. Really, I've done it before.
But, being newly emotionally free from worrying about anyone other than myself is bound to make me more productive in a day or two. And once my volunteer and leadership stuff gets underway, perhaps I will once again feel like a productive member of society.
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