Finally, a break in the inaction. Things are starting to look up for me. With an interview tomorrow, a roommate ready to sign on with Casa de la Moi, and the sun shining today I feel like things are ready to turn around for me. Not just me.
My under-employed friend also had a job interview Monday and a second interview for Friday. It's an awesome job, in her field, and the salary on target as well. She is day dreaming about quitting her currently un-fun under-employed position.
I, in turn, am day dreaming about having a roommate, which I have never had before. It will mean an extra few hundred in the pocket every month to pay off my medical bills and soon the hospital accountants can stop nagging me. After those are paid (it will take a mere two months), I will have sufficient funds to maybe even save a little bit each month. Plus, if I am working a full-time job with benefits, I will save TONS! This means that graduate school will be back on the docket for 2011. Also, I will be able to buy a new pair of black heels which I desperately need. I have had my current pair for over five years now. It is hard to find shoes, particularly a pair of wicked hot black heels, when you wear a 4.5. Once again I may be able to shop, eat out and enjoy a little bit of my old life.
And, there you have it folks. Things are looking up.
i m also lead this type of life in bangladesh