I have a cat who is, no joke, addicted to this electric blanket. MY electric blanket. We literally fight over it. And I win, because I am bigger (never said that before). But she still tries to find even one tiny corner to park her skinny little cat bum anyways. It's kind of cute, but I never turn the darn thing off, which I think can't be good. We'll find out when something burns or the electric shorts. And Other Cat vies for my lap while meowing forlornly, as though I have banished her.
A busy day...week for me. I have been working on cleaning since 10am this morning when I was jolted awake by a phone call (hope I did not have morning voice for Mr. Recruiter). So, either this Friday or next Friday I shall be interviewing in Boston...but he didn't give me a final answer today! I also went to get my size 6 bum kicked by my trainer at the gym. After a great yoga session yesterday and training today, I'm going to be sore tomorrow; I can totally feel it. I ran home, gobbled up some chicken picatta and held Fat Cat for a while while resting my eyeballs. Then it was off to babysit for a networking event. No childrens showed up, so home again, home again, jiggety jig...and $20 later...
I'm delaying the last part of cleaning: clothes. Ugh, I hate, hate doing this. You'd think I was 14 again, but no, I'm 29 and I can't stand putting clothes away. Yeah, just the putting clothes away part. I think it was because I didn't have my own dresser until I bought my condo. I shared one with my sister when I was little and I didn't have one really until I bought one about 2 years ago. But I detest this chore over all else. I even cleaned out and rearranged the vanity in the bathroom before I attempted this onerous chore. Actually, I cleaned it out with "I might be moving to a small, expensive apartment in Boston" in mind. Chucked half things of stuff that I know I'll never use and are like 2 or more years old. It's such a good feeling. Maybe I can get myself motivated to do that to everything else in my condo over the next 2 weeks.
So, tomorrow, I am giving myself time in the morning to get dressed, straighten my hair, last-minute cleaning and tidying up (hopefully there isn't much left to do after tonight). Then, it's off to lunch with a colleague who will tell me all there is to know about this job I'm interviewing for in Boston, meet up with handsome bloke and then... I have no idea what to do with said handsome bloke.
Okay, okay...off to clean and let Fiona have her electric blanket back. Ex-man-boy might as well have bought me an electric cat bed for Christmas, for all it gets used for these days.
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