Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So it turns out...

Well, so Boston is pushed back until next week sometime.  They know they are at the top of my employer list and that makes them eager to get me in, but the travel schedules of their people keep colliding is some kind of cosmic, let's keep her waiting sort of way.  It's okay, I can't really blame them and I'm glad they have business to keep them very busy. 

In the meantime, I have purchased a dress for being the Maid of Honour in my little sister's wedding.  I was also the MoH in my big sister's wedding.  I guess "always a bridesmaid, never a bride" is really working out for me.  At least those are the only two weddings I've been in so far.  None of my other friends who got married in the dawn of their 20's (or for some, the twilight of their teens) apparently saw me as a close enough friend to be more than the guestbook signer or some such thing.  Ah...whatever.  Less ugly dresses to buy and wear and toss out later.  I'm not a 27 Dresses kind of girl at all. 

It's been sunny and in the 60's here, which has really helped me get motivated to get things done.  So I did the dress thing today, on a whim, as it occurred to me that it's now March and her wedding is in July.  I'm pretty much a perfect size 4, so only if I lose weight (which I plan to do) and lose some in the bosoms, would I need an alteration.  I also returned a pair of shoes that didn't work out for the upcoming interview, and a pair of pants that I decided not to need.  I had bought them in a panic when I thought I was going to get a job and need something to fit my now slightly curvier figure.  

On Monday...I did 4-5 hours of research on interview stuff and went to the gym as well.  Yesterday, got my butt kicked by my trainer.  I am sooo tired when I get home from training with her.  Which is good, theoretically, until I fall asleep for an hour and then don't go to bed til 2am and don't wake up til 11am.  Monday I actually got up at 8:30am, but I fell off that wagon quickly.  I've just been doing other stuff too.  Picked up some certified mail at the postal office, filed my taxes, threw away some paperwork I don't need... kind of spring cleaning I guess.  Partially, in preparation for moving to Boston.  Please note, I haven't even interviewed for the job yet, but I really feel quite positive about this one.  I would actually be pretty devastated if I didn't get it.  And, I'm wondering if by preparing to move there, it's too preemptive or if it's just adding to my confidence.  I don't believe in "asking the universe to give you what you want" but I do believe in asking God, and positive mental visualization of getting what you want.   

Ex-man-boy popped up the other day.  Nothing new.  Or exciting.  He said we should get together before he leaves but I don't really think he entirely means that.  I asked him if he wanted to go hiking next week or tomorrow if the weather was nice and of course, I'm not even sure why I bothered.  Lame-ass was like, yeah, I'm probably gonna pass on that offer...but you have fun with that, lol.  Don't bloody patronize me with your loling....lazy.  Like, what is he doing that...ugh, I'm not even going to get into it.  I just rolled my eyes, deleted the text and if he wants to get in touch or get together, he can ask me.  I'm so over it.  Okay, maybe not entirely, but trying.  I just don't understand if you're sitting at home doing nothing (he told me he was trying to keep busy), why you wouldn't want to get out and enjoy the great outdoors?  He told me he loved hiking and he was a freaking Boy Scout.  So... lame-ass.
I also made cookies and now I'm thinking of doing a 5 mile walk with 2lb weights, but...I am also thinking of making salsa.  I should really work out and take advantage of the nice day outside.  My problem lately is that I want something really, really tasty to eat, but my craving never gets satiated, so I'm always eating.  Gorgonzola cheese did not do the trick.  I'm thinking if I just splurged and went somewhere really good for dinner, I would be fine.  I don't know.  I want to make salsa because it's healthy and my bestie said I could use her new food processor.  She's in Vegas and I whenever she travels, I always make something and leave it in her fridge.  She's my neighbour too, so this makes it easy.  Or, should I stay home, make salsa and continue with the purging process?  I cannot decide which will make me feel best.  That's why I'm blogging.  

No more news on visitor man.  We've been talking, but I always have to initiate.  I get so bored during the day, it's nice to have someone to text, but I'm probably annoying the heck out of him.  I'm going to make some salsa now.

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