Ugh, it's Monday once again and it's one of the grossest Mondays in my recollection...which only goes back a few days because really, all Mondays are gross. This one is cold, grey and rainy. I also had to take MG to the aiport. I have decided visitor man gets a shorter, more permanent nickname. MG is not his initials, I think those two letters sound good together, that's all. It could also stand for, My Goodness, he's hot. Or, My Goodness he's not gotten freaked out by me, yet. I have also always just liked the sassy little MG cars. Oh, the airport, at 5:30am!! That means we got up at 5am! I didn't sleep almost all of the night because I was afraid I would miss the alarm and miss waking him up. We said our sweet, sad goodbyes and back to bed I went, until 8:56am when I thought I should wipe the goobies from my eyes and try to get rid of my morning voice before I talked to my life coach.
Today we talked about values. I'm supposed to do this exercise where I distill a list of values down to my top 5, in order of most important and then think about how my life is meeting those goals. Hmm...I think I might go walk over to the coffee shop and complete these. Maybe I'll do them tomorrow. I don't know. See, nothing sounds good today except a cupcake and watching (500) Day of Summer. I've never seen it before, but I have it and hear it's pretty good. Maybe there's a cupcake waiting for me at the coffee shop! I might actually be motivated to get out of the house today.
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