Thursday, June 17, 2010

T Minus 3 Days

Only 3 more days and I will be in Nueva York!  Today I put together my suits/business outfits.  I had to make sure everything still fit.  I did buy one new skirt and shirt just to add to the mix of things I can switch around.  They were all on clearance at Macy's and I guess I might be able to make these tax deductible?  I will consult a tax person this year, probably.  Anyways, the cats have decided that they want to lay down on the garment bag, as though the plastic texture is somehow appealing.  I also went on a trip to the store yesterday to get a whole host of things to put in my big bag (that I have yet to find).  Since  I will be a whole hour and half away from where I am staying when I am in the city, here is what I will be packing into this bag:

  1. Shoes.  I will wear flats until I get to my destination.  10 months of no heels then nonstop heels will kill my back if I am too ambitious about wearing them all the time, especially with as much walking as I expect to do. 
  2. Travel size deodorant.  It is warm and presumably muggy.  I sweat easily when walking in full suit, so I will need to reapply, I am sure.
  3. Wet wipes.  To wipe off the sweat and freshen up.
  4. Band-aids.  Really, I just tend to need these often.
  5. Gum.  For fresh breath.
  6. Pantyhose.  Just in case I have to wear it, but they seriously make everything so sweaty, so why apply hose before absolutely necessary?
  7. iPhone.  Obviously.  I have downloaded an NYC Subway app.
  8. 2 Fiber One Oats and PB bars.  Because you just never know when you will get hungry enough to practically swoon, especially if you are for some reason unable to grab a bite.  Also, it might cut down on the number of real full meals I have to buy in the city.  
  9. Small notebook.  For taking notes.
  10. Pen.  Also for taking notes.
  11. Phone power cord.  In case I run out of juice.
  12. Wallet.  Duh.
  13. Bottle of water.  Maybe just a little one.  We will see.
  14. KUA Member Card (Kick Unemployment's Ass)
I am open to other suggestions too.  

So far I have meetings with 2 recruiters lined up and just got a call today that I will be scheduling a 30 minute exploratory interview.  I am also going to attend a conference.  And Friday, I am going to be headed to the Jersey City offices of a colleague, for a visit.  The rest of the time, I guess I will be making calls and such.  I am pretty sure I will be in the city at least Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.  I am debating if I should go into the city every day, or work from home and head in only if I have to, so I can save subway money and work from a quiet place?  But if I am not in the city, I won't have the chance to bump into people or meet people that might be able to connect me.  

I am also researching sublets, just in case I decide so sublet for a month.  I wonder if I could sublet on a week by week basis?  Hmm, probably not.  We'll see.  I might be moving around a lot.  Good thing I will just have a suitcase.

Well my dear readers, if anyone has any suggestions, advice or tips, please feel free to write in and let me know your thoughts on what I should or should not do in the name of networking and job searching.

That is all.  As you were.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe a travel sewing kit...not til you have an experience w/o one, that you realize the value! Depending on the weather, also a compact umbrella....
