The good news: I have moved, everything is so close (no taking 1 hour train rides to find a sit down coffee place), my roommates are great and I like my tiny bedroom. The bad news: Starbucks is within walking distance.
This morning I got up around 9am and one roomie was already gone to work and the other was getting ready for work. My air mattress has to come up off the floor (practically takes up the rest of the floor not occupied by the desk and chair). I sort of wish that I had had the previous girl leave her loft bunk bed, but I figure I can use the air mattress anywhere else that I happen to land, without having to go to to much trouble. My room even has a window AC unit that keeps the room very cool; I even turned it off half way through the night.
I went to the Duane Reade around the corner and discovered it was not the same as the posh DR that is across from my friend's place near Central Park. Ah, ghetto stores...I feelz home! I bought laundry detergent in these handy little packets that you just throw in with your clothes...they look like the kind you throw in your dishwasher. I also bought a bottle of Clorox disinfecting spray...with which I will clean the entire kitchen is getting a scrub down! Also bought rubber gloves (I hate touching other peoples' dirty dishes and who knows what is in there) and some sponges.
Later, I will go to the laundromat and wash my clothes, I think and after the kitchen and fridge get a scrub down, I will perhaps buy some food.
The only thing missing are my cats and my friends!
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