Ah, so it's time for an update. I've been sans computer at home since my laptop (coffee spill induced by cat) is deep sixed and the old desktop went (as promised) to a friend. A new computer is in the works. In the meantime, I do all m computer hacking in 90 minutes and the downtown public library. That, and the encounters and interesting people watching there, could be its own post entirely.
Good news, I'm packing and packing and packing. And more purging. I discovered a high-end consignment shop for some of my clothes. They are picky about what they take and it's funny when you have a pile of rejects to take home, but I guess Goodwill will appreciate them. It's also funny what you're willing to part with and get rid of once you're faced with downsizing. And we're talking a massive downsizing. I'm either going to NYC or if this contract position works out, to the ATL, and so I doubt in either situation I'll be able to take much, if anything, initially. Not discussing the contract thing until it's in place, however, as there's just really no reason to jinx any of it.
In other news, well, I guess there's really no other news. No boys to speak of. Which is fine and great by me. I am too busy these days (I tell myself, although sometimes, sans computer and TV, I just lounge around). I did pick up some new (used) clothes at the consignment shop, some that will fit when I go to Maine for my sister's wedding at the end of July. It is nice to have new (used) clothes that fit. I don't feel so fat. Which is probably how people avoid seeing themselves gaining weight. You just apparently keep buying clothes that fit, get rid of the too small ones and thereby avoid the reality that you are getting fatter. Just an observation.
Well, this is not the most riveting and creative post, but my usable computer minutes have gone from 29 down to 24, and I have a few other things that I need to get done in the next half hour. When I have a new computer, you will all hear about it.
In the meantime, the library is an exercize in patience and blocking out annoying people. I'm getting very good at it.
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