Well, now that that's settled, let me tell you about my weekend. Friday night, I went to a club with a friend of mine. We had a very enjoyable time and I did not drink...I'm a cheap date these days. I'm sticking to my non-drinking like a life ring. If I can accomplish this one, tiny thing, perhaps my self-confidence in myself and my determination will be slightly restored. Besides, Saturday morning I had to help some friends of mine move. They already lived fairly close to me but now they are literally across the parking lot. Strangely, this makes me feel not so alone. And, it's my homeboy KK and he has also been unemployed for nearly a year. He is an extremely talented designer. If you need a designer, you should hire him. I'll put a link to his fine work on my blog.
It was pretty cold Saturday morning, but this was mitigated by the bright sunshine and cloudless sky. Twenty degrees did not feel like twenty degrees. So they got all moved in and now I can invite myself to come and visit! I had to leave a little early from that to go babysitting for a day. Ah, a free, warm place and free food for a day. The kids, 10 and 8, boy and girl respectively, were great. They begged me to take them to Chuck E. Cheese, which I have decided is the surburban devil.
Why, you ask? Well. Let me explain first, that the only time I ever went there as a kid was when my grandparents took us for my cousin's birthday. Secondly, my parents took us to such places as the Gerald R. Ford Museum and other such places. Both parents, my father especially, are avid readers. My dad loves historical stuff and thus we visited rather educational things when we were kids. I contemplated this as I tried to keep on eye on my the two kids. If I ever have kids, it's doubtful that I will take them to Chuck E. Cheese and such places. Honestly. My kids will probably be as big of nerds as I am, or they will serioiusly rebel and be the complete opposite.
We also visited the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village multiple times. As an adult, I returned to both places with my first boyfriend and we had a ton of fun. My granny lived in Texas, where my mother was born and partially raised. We visited her a few times (insert memory reel showing three sick kids in the back of a Cutlass driving from Michigan to Texas). Part of the Mission Trail, in particular the San Antonio Missions, is a memory I savor. My older sister and I were in matching sun dresses that my mother made us and we wore sombreros to keep the sun from our fair skin. I loved visiting the old missions, including the Alamo while my older sister thought it drudgery and she complained endlessly. I think my love of the sites fueled my father to keep driving us to "one more" and I took pleasure in my sister's misery.
But alas, I digress. Chuck E. Cheese is the suburban devil and the kids were great and I returned home yesterday afternoon, before the snOMG III began. I didn't stock up on eggs and bread and water as people in these parts are wont to do before a snow storm. I am in walking distance to a grocery store and am not afriad of getting out and walking in snow if need be. I got some dinner from Buffalo Wild Wings as a reward for making some money this weekend. Chicken tenders are like crack to me. Or comfort food, I'm not sure which. I got the parmesan garlic and asian zing sauces. Portia helped me eat some of the chicken and Fiona actually tasted the parmesan garlic sauce, after which she couldn't stop licking her chops. I don't think she cared for it all that much.
In other news, my sister (the one who hates the Mission Trail) and I may start a food blog Our little sister who is probably relieved she was too little to remember any of the Mission Trail, is now the sous chef at the JW Marriott in our home town. We may possibly rope her into this endeavour as well. I will keep you all posted.
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